
Unholy Allegiances: Heeding Revelation’s Warnings is unavailable, but you can change that!

Amidst the fervor of popular apocalyptic books and unfounded “end times” theology, deSilva has written an excellent book that will help readers thoughtfully and properly approach the book of Revelation. This is a truly unique book that studies Revelation by (1) stating the context in which it was written (Roman Asia in the first century), (2) noting why John wrote what he did to the church, and...

dominion” (Aen. 4.232). Indeed, as the wings of the Roman eagle overshadowed more and more of the Mediterranean basin, it exercised “authority over every tribe and people and language and nation” (Rev 13:7). Minucius Felix, a second-century Christian, would write of the Romans that “their power and authority has occupied the circuit of the whole world,” referring once again to the concept of the orbis terrarium. “Thus it has propagated its empire beyond the paths of the sun, and the bounds of the
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